Domowa kwarantanna to czas, który warto spożytkować mądrze. „Polish Your HR-English” to podręcznik wydawnictwa INFOR, opracowany z myślą o pracownikach działów kadr i HR. My publikujemy pełną, darmową lekcję języka angielskiego. Nauki języka nigdy dość. A teraz właśnie gdy masz więcej czasu dla siebie przypomnij sobie użyteczne frazy Business English, a w szczególność HR-English.

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Interview with the ice Queen czyli rozmowa kwalifikacyjna z  królową śniegu….
W pierwszej lekcji przeczytają Państwo o tym, jak George ubiegał się o  pracę w  dziale szkoleń. Wspomina swoją poprzednią pracę, kiedy pracował w Anglii jako menedżer HR i sam zatrudniał pracowników. Teraz znalazł się po przeciwnej stronie, a do tego w obcym kraju. Przeżył niemały szok, zderzając się z inną kulturą, a także z nie zawsze dobrymi praktykami.

Business English

I arrived in Warsaw on a Sunday night. Monday morning I bought the newspaper and emailed CV’s to about twenty companies. Remarkably, within minutes, invitations to interview started coming in and in total I attended about ten interviews during the first week. As a former HR manager who had not been on the employee’s side of the table for some years, I was intrigued to see how the interviews would be conducted. When I worked in England, I was a Personnel Manager for a project employing approximately 150 new people each year; recruitment therefore occupied a fair proportion of my time. Although the jobs varied from manual to managerial and occasionally the more exotic, „audio historian”. I adopted the same approach to every interview. Having identified candidates by reference to the job and person specifications, I generated a set of questions common to all but with some scope for improvisation.

I always collected the candidate from reception and engaged in idle small talk about the weather and traffic. The first task was to relax the candidate. This would be achieved through informality, humour, body language and by using open, non-threatening questions. This did not mean that it was a „soft” interview, merely that I felt it necessary to create a relaxed atmosphere before the benefit of more probing questions could be realised. Whilst I would later assess their answers against a set of evaluation criteria and fill in the Candidate Evaluation Form, I would try to take a holistic view of the whole person and consider how they would fit into the organisation.

How then would my Warsaw experience compare?

All of the positions that I applied for were in HRD. Perhaps I was just unlucky but about half of my interviewers were late – anywhere from five to forty five minutes. When I was met, I felt very English and aware of how important ice-breaking was to me. I could see that I wasn’t going to get it as it was straight down to business. I’d better shape up and knuckle down, I thought. The interview styles that I experienced were generally the same but were perhaps best characterised by the „Ice Queen.” She had her clipboard and set of questions at the ready. Without warning, she fired over the first question, „What makes a good trainer?” „Hm, a fair question” I thought.

I rambled a little but overall, I think my answer was good. I looked to see how it had been received. The Ice Queen gave nothing away and lobbed the next one over. „Why do you want to work for us?” Well, I was beginning to wonder if I did. I talked about opportunities to develop and hoped that there might be a thaw but clearly, winter was here to stay as her face remained frozen from emotion. The steely gaze continued as the interrogation gathered speed. „What are your salary expectations?” Now I was in real trouble. Having only been in the city for two days, I had no idea of market rates and barely knew the value of the zloty! I really have no idea. „I replied. „What do you suggest?” Well, it got a reaction at least. She was exasperated.

To cut a long story short, we chose not to „cooperate” and whilst other interviews weren’t quite as frosty, I soon learnt not to expect the approach that I’d adopted in the UK. I think a major contrast between the UK and Poland is about directness and it is important to differentiate between those factors that are about cultural norms and those that are about good or bad practice.Well, by hook or by crook, I landed a job at a bank and I’m already casting my gaze over the training budget. Find out how it goes next lesson!

Business English – Glossary:

  • Intrigued (fascinated) – zaintrygowany
  • To conduct an interview (to run
    an interview) – przeprowadzić
    rozmowę kwalifikacyjną
  • The jobs varied from X to Y (there
    were different types of jobs)
    – dostępny był szeroki wybór
    stanowisk – od X do Y
  • To adopt the approach (to decide
    to behave in a specific way
    about something) – przyjąć
  • Job and person specifications –
    (details regarding the candidate
    and the job) – szczegółowy opis
    stanowiska i kandydata
  • Scope (range) – zakres
  • Idle small talk (unimportant chat)
    – rozmowa o niczym, gadka szmatka
  • Probing questions (investigating
    questions) – badawcze pytania
  • To assess the answers (to judge/mark
    the answers) – ocenić odpo wiedzi
  • A set of evaluation criteria (a number
    of important points used to meas-
    ure/judge something) – zestaw kry-
    teriów oceny
  • HRD (Human Resource Develop-
    ment) – rozwój zasobów ludzkich
    Shape up and knuckle down
    (be serious and concentrate)
    – skupić się i przygotować do walki
  • A clip-board (board for notes)
    – podkładka do robienia notatek
  • To ramble (talk unclearly) – mówić
    bez ładu i składu
  • (To) thaw (melt) – topnieć jak śnieg;
  • Steely gaze (direct, cold look)
    – chłodne spojrzenie
  • Market rates (how much people
    are now paid for doing certain jobs)
    – stawki rynkowe
  • Exasperated (really irritated)
    – rozdrażniony
  • To cut a long story short (anyway…)
    – krótko mówiąc
  • Frosty (cold, unfriendly) – chłodny,
  • To differentiate (make or see a dif-
    ference) – rozróżniać, różnicować
  • By hook or by crook (using any
    method possible) – po trupach do
    celu, nie przebierając w środkach
  • To land a job (get a job) – dostać
  • To find out (learn about)
    – dowiedzieć się o czymś

Książka „Polish Your HR-English” do nabycia w sklepie INFOR:–nie–tylko-dla-hr–owca-pdf–wersja-elektroniczna-.html